Q – How much is my investment?

  • Your investment is only $1/day, totaling $60 for 60 days.


Q – I do not have time to exercise, How long will my session last?

  • We understand you have a busy schedule, so to ensure success, we only ask you to complete two 30 minute workout sessions each week.


Q – How do I get started?

  • Call us to set up a time for a quick visit to see if you qualify for the 60/60 program. Your tour will take about ½ an hour and we will explain all the details so you will know if the 60/60 program is right for you.


Q – Why do I need a Doctor’s Referral?

  • Exercise is a fantastic way to get healthy and avoid lifestyle issues like obesity or Pre-diabetes. However not all exercise is appropriate for all participants. We must be aware of any medical issues or concerns that you are dealing with so we can provide you with a safe and effective exercise plan based on your specific needs.


Q – Do I qualify for the 60/60 program?

  • We don’t know until we talk to you. The 60/60 is for beginners who are new to exercise and have a medical condition that may benefit from getting started ion an exercise program. If this is a good description of you then we can help you get started.


Q – What’s the difference between an Exercise Physiologist and a Personal Trainer?

  • An exercise physiologist has a college degree and attends school for 4 to 8 years to learn how the human body reacts to exercise and to understand exactly how to prescribe exercise routines to different types of people with different types of needs. Exercise physiologists are experts at working with people of all fitness levels especially beginners.
  • A Personal Trainer is typically certified to be a trainer in a much shorter period of time (a weekend) and usually focuses on people who are already fit and are looking to advance their level.
  • All exercise physiologist qualify to be called Personal Trainers. Very few personal trainers have the education required to be called Exercise physiologists.